Vad tycker du om onlinekurser?

Vi vill dela med oss av vår kunskap på en bredare front och vill ta reda på om onlinekurser inom kommunikation kan vara ett sätt. Vi skulle uppskatta om du svarar på vår enkät.

Enkäten är framtagen av vår sommarpraktikant Adrianna och är utformad på engelska. Den innehåller frågor om:

  • Vilka ämnen du är intresserad av (t.ex. kriskommunikation, förändringskommunikation, mediehantering).
  • Hur du föredrar att lära dig (t.ex. videor, webbseminarier, podcasts).
  • Dina förväntningar på kursens längd och intensitet.

Det tar bara några få minuter att svara på enkäten som du når via denna länk: Online courses market research

Vi är tacksamma om du tar dig tid att svara på vår enkät, dina åsikter är värdefulla för oss.

English version

Help us create the perfect online course

We are aiming at creating a comprehensive training offer that will be available to everyone, regardless of where you are or your daily schedule. However, in order to precisely meet your needs, we need your help. We have prepared a short survey that will help us find out what courses you expect and what topics are most interesting to you.

Why is it worth completing our survey?

Be part in creating our offer – Because your opinions are extremely valuable to us. Thanks to them, we will be able to adapt our courses to your expectations and needs.

Content personalization – We want our courses to be as practical and useful as they can be. By showing your preferences, you help us focus on what is really important.

The survey consists of a few simple questions that will allow us to better understand your needs and expectations regarding online courses. We will ask mainly about:

-The topics that interest you the most (e.g. crisis communication, change communication, speaking with media, etc.).

-Preferred way of learning (e.g. video, webinars, podcasts).

-Expectations regarding course length and intensity.

-Preferred hours of participation in online courses.

How to participate?

Completing the survey will only take you a few minutes. To participate, click on the link: Online courses market research

What’s next?

After collecting and analysing your answers, we will start working on preparing courses that will best suit your needs. We will keep you updated about the survey results and new courses.

Thank you very much for your time and commitment. Your opinion is extremely important to us, and working together on the development of the offer gives us great joy. We believe that with your help, we will create something unique and valuable.